The Wealth Building LLC:™
The Attorney’s Secrets!
By Darius M. Barazandeh, Attorney at Law / M.B.A.
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Here is what David Horn of colorado said
abouT the wealth building LLC:
(click the Player to Listen):
My name is Darius M. Barazandeh, I am a licensed attorney…but don’t let that scare you off! Really…I am here to help! I have seen first hand how taxes and lawsuits can make it impossible to acquire wealth. Because I have spent years educating people on time tested real estate investing and wealth protection methods, I offer ‘real world’ information that is down-to-earth, easy-to-understand and works!
My greatest happiness comes from using my knowledge to benefit others. I want to help and support you!
Risk # 1: LLC’s are being touted by many attorneys and accountants as low maintenance! Creating the LLC is only the first step! Few attorneys can detail the 28 mistakes you must avoid in order to ensure protection from your LLC.
Risk # 2: Because the LLC is the ‘newest’ business entity, all LLC owners must fully understand how the LLC works and how to stay up-to-date with changing rules and laws.
Risk # 3: Realize that while an attorney or service can create an LLC, in our research 95% of business owners are left with a stack of papers and little instruction!
Of course most attorneys and accountants are glad to set up your LLC, even at hourly rates of $150 to $200 per hour…many WON’T be able to duplicate the level of training we provide in the Wealth Building LLC!
My program is now ‘the standard’ for simple, easy-to-follow, and powerful LLC education. Frankly, nothing comes comes!
Experts Agree:
Millionaire Real Estate Investor, Internet Marketing Expert, and
Teacher Heather Seitz Recommend Darius:
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Ask This Question:
Even If Your Attorney or Your Accountant Could Instruct You on the following items How Many Hours ($$) Would it Take?
The complete STEPS required to FORM an LLC in ANY STATE (forms, web links, state-by-state rules, traps all provided with EASY-TO-FOLLOW STEPS)
Priceless instruction on AVOIDING DISASTROUS LLC PERSONAL LIABILITY CLAUSES and the states where this RISK IS PRESENT!
Ask Yourself:
Have you mastered all of these steps? Do you have someone who will explain all of this information to you? How much is reducing lawsuit risk, audit risk and saving taxes worth to you?
How good will it feel to eliminate the uncertainty regarding your business
protection, taxes and liability risks?
Are You Tired of Confusion Accountants and Attorneys?
We Include SIMPLE, NON-COMPLEX Discussions of LLC Tax Options and Traps!
I believe in keeping things SIMPLE and NON-COMPLEX. Many people complain that even after talking with their CPA they don’t fully understand their tax choices. I will SHOW YOU the real world effect each LLC tax choice has on your bottom line. I don’t believe in useless theory, so I will demonstrate how each choice can effect YOUR PROFITS! Plain and simple, easy-to-follow and with plenty of examples. Students always tell me, “My accountant could never explain this to me…it finally makes sense now!” (Before you create an LLC be sure to review the full discussions for real estate investors, and other businesses!)
I don’t believe in fluff or ‘one size fits all’ solutions…so you won’t find them here. This is a fully detailed system and includes state exceptions and variations, up-to-date legal decisions, LLC court cases, IRS rulings, full explanations of tax decisions and state law summaries. Best of all this system is easy to understand and explains all topics, concerns, choices and situations in ‘simple and clear language’…NOT LAWYER TALK and NOT COMPLICATED!
What Will This System Do For Me?
If you are unsure about how to maintain LLC protection, then how can you be sure your LLC will protect you? Its crystal clear from LLC court decisions that simply filing your LLC paperwork does not result in full protection. Please don’t COMPROMISE your LLC protection!
Create an LLC and Maximize Tax Savings: Regardless of whether you are a one person business or have 50 employees, The Wealth Building LLC™ will show you not only how to create an LLC BUT ALSO how to achieve the maximum asset protection and tax savings benefits! Because, my materials go far beyond any other books offered on the subject you will easily master your LLC. Many of these books are general, vague and do not explain ‘HOW TO’ TASKS in a clear ‘step-by-step’ manner. For example:
Most Self-Help Books and Materials will usually cover the basics to create an LLC. This may include paperwork and other general preliminary steps. The Wealth Building LLC™ goes way beyond this and shows you NOT ONLY HOW TO create an LLC, BUT to MASTER management choices, create ‘iron-clad’ minutes of meetings, understand tax decisions, asset protection issues and use liability reduction techniques.
Online and Other Incorporation Services will generally file or create the LLC. The real tax challenges and important steps come after you do after you create an LLC. Even worse in my experience these filings wind up costing much more than the original ‘quoted’ price. Many times you pay $400, $500 or more for just simple filing and little else! As a result, you are left with a stack of papers and confusion!
The wonderful part of this system is that you will use it throughout the life of your business. Imagine having a reference guide that you can pull out, review, utilize and then get back to business! Now imagine trying to piece all the answers together yourself. Its just not worth it to take chances!
Customer Service
That Will Make You Smile!
That is a promise! I know that you are too busy to deal with companies that don’t return emails, phone calls, or hand you off to assistants who can’t even answer detailed questions. I dislike that ‘brand’ of customer service…so you won’t find it in my business!
If you have questions, then email us at: I am also just an email away!
You will find tremendous detail in my materials. I am determined to provide my customers the highest levels of training and all the details I know. I still remember the empty feelings I had when I purchased materials that delivered far less than promised: I am absolutely committed to exceeding your expectations!
Order Today and Receive:
The Wealth Building LLC™ Manual –
A 295 page easy-to-follow manual that shows not only how to create an LLC, specific exceptions for your state, key tasks to complete after the first 30 days and year, step-by-step details on LLC meetings, tax decisions, asset protection and liability reduction techniques, specific instructions for real estate investors, and more!
Also included:
Detailed State LLC Law Summaries for All 50 States and the District of Columbia – Includes state law summaries, state-by-state exceptions, a list of required LLC records, and other key information for your state. Also includes links and contact information. The Wealth Building LLC Audio Discussion and Instruction –
MORE THAN 3 1/2 HOURS OF EASY-TO-FOLLOW INSTRUCTION! Includes step-by-step instruction on LLC formation, steps to complete within the first 30 days and year of formation, member’s rights, meeting rules, management choices, a line-by-line review of all LLC operating agreements and more! Over 50 Fill-in Forms in Microsoft Word® and Hard Copy Format – Includes over 50 fill-in forms on CD-Rom and in written form. Provides all required resolutions, minutes of meetings, member contribution forms, independent contractor agreements, unanimous consent forms, tax forms, current IRS tax publications and more!
Customizable LLC Operating Agreements with Audio Instructions and State Specific Descriptions – The most detailed review of LLC operating agreements available! Combines the current best practices in understanding how to create LLC operating agreements. Audio discussion corresponds to pre-formatted, ready-to-use, sample operating agreements. Simply the most detailed instruction available anywhere! Don’t miss this powerful ‘mini’ seminar!
Access to Mr. Barazandeh’s Online Tutorials: Designed to walk you through the tasks that most people forget: Understanding your state’s LLC rules! This is a must have for the business owner!
2 Years Unlimited Access to the Online Business Research Center – We have included online access to Secretary of State web pages for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In addition, we include access to your state’s LLC laws, state and federal website links and important LLC updates!
I look forward to working with you and OFFER and 100% RISK FREE MONEY BACK GUARANTEE if you are not satisfied with the materials. As a professional I stand behind the quality of these materials and I am grateful for the opportunity to share the knowledge I have gained in this area.
DVD Video (Secrets of the Deca-Millionaires and Their Attorneys)
This entertaining and EASY-TO-UNDERSTAND DVD video explains WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW about maintaining formalities and AVOIDING RISK when running the LLC!
Secrets of attorney’s with clients with 10 million or more in net worth!
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Warmest Regards,
Darius M. Barazandeh, President
Attorney at Law / M.B.A
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