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Join Our Affiliate Program Today!

Referring Our Products &

Services Helps Others…

       …and it Earns You Cash    


If you bring a customer to my website and  they buy one of our my products then you deserve a commission.”

       – Darius M. Barazandeh, Attorney at Law / MBA


Welcome to my affiliate page!  For years people have asked me how they can get involved selling and referring my products to their friends, family, real estate investors, business owners and others.  Many have wanted a way to tell their friends yet also earn a commission on the sale.  


Good news because we have set up an affiliate system which ensures that you get paid 35% of the product list price when your referral buys! 


But hold on, because this program is not just for customers, investors, or Internet wizards!  If you would like to earn some additional money by helping us to get the word out regarding our ethical and highly valuable products and services, then you also deserve a commission every time someone buys one of my products from this website.  It gets EVEN BETTER because if you refer another person to this affiliate program, and they refer someone who buys,  you also get a percentage of the sale!  Yes, we will pay out second tier commissions of 5%



We issue payments on the 1st of each month so you should sign up QUICKLY and get started!  



My affiliate program is really simple to use:


1) Sign up (it will take about 3 minutes)

2) We will send you instructions and an id and password

3) You will get access to links, banner ads and even sales letters which you can put at the bottom of your emails, on your own website, or marketing materials.

When someone ‘clicks’ one of your links and then buys a product from us, you get a commission.  


...and like I said, we pay our affiliates on the1st of the month so sign up now – Click here to get started!

Warmest Regards,

Darius M. Barazandeh, President

DMB Real Estate Enterprises, Inc.

Attorney at Law / M.B.A.

How Do I Sign Up?




Signing up and getting started is very easy.   You will need to click the ‘Sign Up Today’  link.   Once you do this you see sign up form.  You really only need to enter in your name, email address and how you want to be paid.  Follow the instructions and click ‘submit’.  

Once this is done we will respond back to you with your log in and access information. 

 How and When Do I Get Paid?

We use an advanced and highly accurate affiliate tracking system which creates special links and advertising information has a special ‘code’ or ‘cookie’ will let us know when anyone who has ‘clicked’ on your link buys from us.

You will be paid a commission of 35% of the price of each item which is sold.  We also pay second tier commissions, so if you refer someone to the website and they don’t buy a product, BUT they sign up and later one of their referrals buys then you get 5% of that sale!   

Our system keeps track of all your commissions and at the end of the month we can either mail you check or send payment through Paypal.  You can learn more about Paypal by clicking below:

Learn More About Paypal>>

Once you sign up you can even see how much money in commissions you have earned for the month just by logging in!  You will also receive an email when one of your referrals purchases from us.

We send payments for last month’s commissions out on the 1st day of each month.      

It’s fun, simple and you are helping people to succeed in business and real estate!

 Getting Credit for Each Sale

In order to get credit for a sale you will need be sure to visit the “Get Links & Marketing Tools” once you log in.  Here we have links and information which you can use to promote the materials.  

You want to be sure to use these special links and materials because they will have your special code on them.  Its this code which will allow us to know that you brought another customer to us!  We want you to get credit because the better you do the more business owners and real estate investors we can help.  

Our primary focus is on helping our people…ALWAYS!

 How Do I Market Your Materials?    

 Get A Free Website!


Marketing can be very simple.  Its simple idea, repeated consistently that work best.  One of the best things to do is just place a link in your ‘automatic’ signature at bottom of your email messages.   We also have banner ads which you can place on your website.  

If you have an email list then you can send a large email to your customers or subscribers.  However these subscribers must have verified that they want to be on your list.  We don’t allow spamming or sending emails to people who have not ‘Opted In’ or agreed to be on your list.  

Obviously we want to maintain the integrity and good name of our products. The most important thing is helping others and making sure they get a chance to learn from our website. 

You may also wish to start your own website just to promote these materials.  That’s fine too.  When I wrote my first course on Texas investing we started with a simple website and one great product.   You will have the ability to refer 4 fantastic products to people…so you have more than we did in the beginning!  

You can find free websites here:



You can obtain a great blog here:



http://www.WordPress.org (WordPress can require additional installation)


You will find more instructions in your Support Center so sign up and check it out today!