
Questions? Email our Super Hero Support Team and Darius

Real Life Customer Case Studies and Experiences

We had agreed on a bidding ceiling for each bid – the highest we would go in the bidding process for this property. Fortunately, we won the bid right at our ceiling amount. It was fate. We also have plenty of room to flip this property to another investor for fix-up, leaving the rehabbing investor room for tens of thousands of dollars in profit as well. 

Thanks to the information in your program this was a perfect tax deed purchase.”  Thanks Darius!

(Property Purchased – Rehab)

Darius We just feel so blessed to come across you through the internet and then to find out you are in Houston as well just made us feel even better.  You have been wonderful to us by answering all our questions and I truly think you are the only honest person out on the internet that actually delivers what you promise….. plus MORE! You have been just too wonderful to not share with other people.                                         _____________________________________  Tracy Donaldson
” I purchased another course on asset protection that cost $2000 dollars.  I read other books that talked about small business.  Everything that I read either spoke about the asset protection side (law) or the tax side (accounting).  At a fraction of the price, The Wealth Building LLC was the FIRST material I found that considered both aspects and gave specify examples of how each LLC formation option would apply. The Wealth Building LLC was comprehensive and easy to understand.  This material covers both the legal and accounting aspects that must be considered when forming and running a small business. I wish I had it prior to forming my LLC.                                             _____________________________________  Gary Lestage
Mr. Barazandeh,  I received your course “Attorney’s Secrets to Investing in Tax Lien Certificates” a few weeks ago and I am very grateful for the effort and time you put into it.  The information that you present makes the process very easy. From my view there is not a course on tax liens that even come close to what you put out. I have been to seminars where unscrupulous characters were selling tax lien courses for $4000.  I live in Atlanta and next time I go to a seminar or meet someone who is looking for a  course on real estate investing I will give them your web address.                       _____________________________________  William McMullin Atlanta, Georgia
have studied several major real estate courses, and yours is far superior to the rest. Your professional and courteous advice has helped more than the coaching offered by some of the major ‘so called “gurus”!  I strongly recommend your courses and services to any one thinking about investing in any kind of real estate venture.” Very respectfully,
John Hendrix
Great Course on Tax Lien Certificates (TLC).  I have just completed reading and listening to the Attorney’s Secrets to Investing in Tax Lien Certificates.  You have done an excellent job writing the manual and producing the CDs.  The course is very understandable yet provides the necessary details by mixing both the TLC (‘tax lien certificate’) positives along with the necessary words of caution which gives me the confidence to immediately start investing in TLC.                ______________Robert Miller San Diego, California
Darius, I have finished reviewing the Wealth Building LLC Course and I found it the most informative, comprehensive and complete course for setting up an LLC I have ever read. All my questions have been answered. I consider it an excellent work.            ______________Gerasimos Artinos
Darius,  I’m just so impressed as I keep going through the Wealth Building LLC. I’m very visual, so I love your text part- but you covered the ground for all types of learners!  You have audio, visual, and multimedia!  Oh, yeah, I watched the DVD…it was so great because you had a real example to emphasize the importance.  I just think so many people would greatly benefit from your course!         ______________Keiko Takimoto-Makarczyk
 Dear Darius,  Thank you for a very good study guide.  Great info, each time I read it I learn a little more. Thanks. We recently attended a tax sale in Texas (our first). We were very interested in a newer metal building on the highway. The amount posted as the proposed opening bid was very low in relation to the appraised value…When the house came up in the sale, no one bid on the house, I bid the opening bid and bought the house. By the way, the house we bought at the sale, we probably will make that our home for awhile. Thanks again Darius for providing such a great guide for us novices. Thanks very much for responding so quickly to my question. If your not careful you are going to give lawyers a good name.   Thanks again for being so helpful. Also you certainly may use my comments and name in any way you wish.     ______________Tom C. Texas
 Dear Darius,  You know every so often there comes a time when people just have to stop what they’re doing and tell other people what a great job they do in their given profession. Well sir, you are at the top of the list for an overdue compliment. After the time spent on our telephone conversation, I just had to put my thoughts to e/mail and thank you for being the gracious, sincere and accommodating individual that you are. The unnerving contact with the Jay Mitton group left me feeling like I’ve been played, and conversely, speaking with you was a truly gratifying experience.  For someone that wants to take this asset planning & protection serious and I do, getting quantifiable direction from someone that is genuine and knowledgeable, with no ulterior motive, is certainly a blessing. At this juncture, not only do I feel relieved the worst is behind me, but also that a huge rock has been lifted off my shoulders. As stated earlier, the trauma putting all this together has plagued me for well over a month. Everything I considered doing, (i.e. l/p’s, c-corps, trusts), would have not only been an exercise in frivolity, but additionally a needless waste of time, effort, money & paperwork. How easier things become when knowing how to do them!  For now Darius, thank you again my friend for the heads up on all this! ______________Pat Redmond New Mexico
  I have found Darius Barazandeh’s system The Wealth Building LLC an absolute must-have system for every real estate investor and small business owner. Darius walks you through creating, running, and ‘bullet proofing’ an LLC with such detail that trying to get a fraction of this training from your attorney would COST AT LEAST $10,000He also covers tax strategies that can amount to $1,000’s OF DOLLARS IN TAX SAVINGS! Being a national speaker and author of three real estate courses myself, I’ve seen many educational materials and I must say this one ranks in the top 5 of all time!  ______________Scott Rister: Mr. Rister is a nationally sought after real estate speaker and author of: “Find All The Motivated Sellers You Can Handle!” “The Probate Profit Machine!” “Instant Cash Wholesaling Houses!”
 I just signed a contract for one of my tax sale properties.  I paid $350 for it in 2004. Selling for $4,000.00 (no closing costs or other fees etc).  I know you always interested! ______________Lisa Turner Texas
 Darius,  I bought 8 Tax Deeds.  I know all my Tax Deeds earning 25% in 6 months. I just went to one of my winning properties. It is a 16 units apartment. The market value is $132,000, & my bid is $12,000. I also went to another single-family (Not Homestead) property today. The market value is $30,000, & my bid is $10,000. I was very surprise that you would call me. I thought most of the business owners didn’t care much of their customers after the customers bought their products. Now, I can see that you are 100% back up with your action. Thank you so much! You are the best.
Jason Wu
  Darius,  Just a quick note to let you know that I have bought my first tax deed property.  Its valued at $75,000. Min bid of $4500. I bought it for $8,200.  It gets even better. Its a rental property that currently brings in a rent of $900 per month. The tenant has 9 months left on his lease.  I met the tenant and he is willing to purchase the property from me for
$65,000….Wow.!!! Of course, all of this is only made possible through all your help and Texas Houses for Pennies course teaching me “due diligence”. There is a 6 month redemption period and very little chance of the property being redeemed.  Best outcome: Paid $8,400, collect $900/month for 6 months.
At the end of 6 months own the property for pennies on the dollar. Add a couple of months again get title insurance – sell property to the renter for $65,000. No loss situation! Darius, I would like you to know just how grateful I am for all your help and for your wonderful course that you have put on concerning Tax deed investing in
Texas. This puts a totally new spin on my life and hopefully I will be able to accomplish all the things that I have dreamed of.
This is only made possible through you and your very well written course. ____________
Vaughn Ramcharitar  Houston, Texas
 We have purchased about 16 properties from tax sales. Your Texas Houses for Pennies has helped us tremendously and I have recommended it to others at the sale. We did purchase a house today for $38,000 that was valued at $81,000. We (also) paid $58,000 a the condo that was listed for $91,000. The complex is on the water in Clear Lake.  Thank for the referral. I will let you know the outcome Thanks for responding so quickly.                                      _______________Diane Stanley
 Darius,  Thanks for your help. Your program [‘Attorney’s Secrets to Investing in Tax Lien Certificates’] is great and has provided me with an
insight on a couple of things I may have missed. The property (a two bedroom house) that I purchased…for $5200.00, adjudged
value was $20,000…and my goal is to sell between $20,000-$25,000.   I have estimated repairs at $3,000.                                         _______________
Dave Perez
 Dear Darius, Thank you very much for your kind assistance. You are one of few attorneys that I really respect because you care about your customers.
Teresa Tzo
 Darius,  Thank you very much for the prompt response to my request and questions. Your customer/student service is among the very best in any industry, certainly in real estate education.                                        _______________Michael McAuliffe
 Darius,  I started investing in tax certificates and deeds in FL. I 
recently bought a tax deed at auction.  It had $1,300.00 due 
in taxes. I paid $9,500.  (I will resell at $21,000)                                        _______________
Scott Perry Florida
 Dear Mr. Barazandeh, I just wanted to thank you for making available to those of us who are interested in Real Estate investing, “Texas Houses for Pennies”.
I have been researching this subject, especially relating to Tax Liens, for some time now. I have ordered numerous programs and books (and spent countless dollars and hours) on the subject, most of which was wasted time and money. Many of the “professionals” who publish such programs, sell comprehensive materials that include most states. In my opinion, that just makes learning more difficult as many of the state laws governing such transactions are wholly different and very confusing to those of us just starting out. Your program, on the other hand, is specifically designed with Texas in mind. I couldn’t believe what an easy read it was. You take us step by step through the program, teaching us where to look, how to track title encumbrances, and basically what to do to invest in Tax Deeds. Your books were concise and to the point leaving no margin for error. You have made yourself available to me on a personal level whenever I had questions or needed help. That, to me, is going above and beyond the call of duty. Not only that, but I have paid much more for other programs that haven’t given me one tenth of the information you provided.  “Texas Houses for Pennies” is worth it’s weight in GOLD!! And I just wanted to thank you. You have made a somewhat daunting process so much easier for me.                                                                                      _______________  
Tari Sutherland Austin, Texas
 Dear Darius, Believe me it is a big surprise I can receive the email directly from you. This really verify what you said on your website although I already believe them while I am reading them…Your “Texas Houses for Pennies”. is excellent. Believe me it is much better than John Beck’s. …I always tell this story to my students. God sent the angel to get the names of  the bad guys on earth, it took too long for angel to finish them. So God (told the) angels there are too many bad guys…(so he changed) the order (telling the) angels (to) the list the good guys. In two days, the angel finished…God (was so happy) and cherish(es) the…good guys on earth. So he decide(d) to write a letter to them. Do you know what God want(ed) to write?  Darius, I believe you are the person knows the content of the letter. The reason I mentioned the story about the God is because your words in the book not only show the essential key points of this business (it definitely worth the money) but also your are the person God should send the letter to you because (of) your sincerely and honesty and kindness and concern.  _______________  Jack W. Syosset, New York
I have never taken any type of real estate courses before this, despite the late night barrage of gurus pitching their wares on television.  I found your ‘Attorney’s Secrets to Investing in Tax Lien Certificates’ to be superb, you’ve spoiled me. I know now what to look for in a course. Thank you for the hard work and effort you put into your materials. I feel 100% confident in what I’ve learned up until this point and feel that I CAN DO THIS. When I see these other offers for tax lien courses elsewhere I can’t help but wonder if the people who are taking these courses are getting as good an education. NOT!!! 
Matt Leatherwood, Jr.  Indiana
 Darius,  Dan and I both commented on how much we enjoyed your presentation on tax lien’s and “Texas Houses for Pennies”. Many times these type of real estate programs are a disappointment, but yours certainly wasn’t. The information you provided was to the point and extremely valuable. Thanks again.                                        _______________Alvin Black Dallas, Texas
  I spoke to you over the phone once and you sound like one of those rare people who really wants to help others. Hope to meet you one of this days and thanks again. Albert Castillo                                       _______________Albert Castillo Houston, Texas
 Darius,  My name is Anthony Welch and I am located in Atlanta, GA. I purchased your Tax Lien Investment course [‘Attorney’s Secrets to Investing in Tax Lien Certificates’] approximately a month or so ago. However, first let me say that your course is EXCELLENT!  You take nothing for granted. It’s the most comprehensive source I have seen yet.                                       _______________Anthony Welch Atlanta, Georgia
  have been interested in real estate for a long time and never could find the resource I was looking for. I talked to other people from real estate professionals to attorneys to try to find information especially for Texas. Some information I was given was correct, some was not. After finding the guide written by Darius Barazandeh, “Attorney’s Step by Step Guide: To Texas Houses for Pennies”, I did a little research on his background and what would qualify him to write this book.  After discovering his background, I bought it immediately. In less than 10 months I have netted $13K buying tax resale properties.  I also have one piece of property I just built a house on that is for sale. ( I paid $220.00 for the land.) When that property sells, I should net $15K.  I have another acre that is worth between $10,000 and $12,000. I am trying to decide what to do with that land. ( I paid $1,100.00 for that parcel.)  I cannot articulate to you how much difference this product made in my own pursuit to buy real estate. I would have never bought properties on the courthouse steps without this information on how to do the research concerning these properties. I believe this is one of the best buys I have ever made regarding my personal education. I also think this is only guide you need if you are investing in Texas Tax foreclosures.  All of the books by Mr. Barazandeh, including the “Tax Sale Secrets” are easy to understand and are the only guides I need for my real estate pursuits. Thank you very much for making these practical, informative guides available.                                       ________________ Lisa TurnerTexas 
Darius, “Yours is the only one that laid it all out there on the line.”  “I could not have bid on this property without your clear instructions”.   Parcel #1: Single Family HomePurchased for in 2002 for $42,100 –Value: $120,00 –No Mortgage Attached to Property after Sale Currently Renting for: $750 per month since March January 2002 Profit on Sale: $53,900 + $18,000 in rental income = $71,900                                   _______________Aaron Light,
 Darius,  Your ‘Attorney’s Secrets to Investing in Tax Lien Certificates’ is one of the most comprehensive real estate investment courses on the market today. Your course goes beyond the mere basics by putting a complicated process into simple, logical and understandable steps.  As such, I highly recommend your course to anyone searching for additional investing opportunities!                                     _______________      Douglas K. Rutherford, CPA Owner and developer of the nation’s leading Landlord’s & Flipper’s Cash Flow Analyzer software listed at: www.LandlordSoftware.com
Texas Houses for Pennies is a bargain for what you’re receiving, not only for the information within it, but the best part is the time Darius (author) himself takes to talk your through any questions you might have.  I recently purchased a home for $17,000 and will make around 40% return.  After I purchased, I had so many questions and he talked me through each one. I never felt rushed and Darius even took the time to try and jog my memory for the questions I couldn’t remember. I would pay twice as much just for that quality of help. Sincerely,  Jay Lash First Deal: Parcel #1: 900 sq. foot, 3 bedroom Single Family Home -Purchased for $17,176 -Property Value $55,000  Equity Gained on Transaction: +/- $37,824                                         _______________Jay Lash San Antonio, Texas
Following your material and advice, we set up a corporation and began to look for tax property to purchase. We found a nice brick house on the struck off list. After further research on your advice, we discovered that the mortgage company had not been notified. Therefore, we would have been liable for the mortgage which turned this great deal into a very bad deal. We learned from this not to blindly trust the county attorney to have every T crossed and every I dotted. On July 6 we went to an auction and purchased two properties. (After doing through research.) One for $2700 and one for $3600. Three weeks later both parties redeemed their property. This gave us a profit of $1575. Not a bad three week investment. Transaction #1:  Parcel #1: Small Lot with a Mobile Home: -Purchased for $2,700 -Property ‘Redeemed’ 3 weeks after the Tax Sale  Thank you for Texas Houses for Pennies. The information was invaluable, as was your assistance both in person and over the phone                                   _______________Susan and Volley Ford Houston, Texas
  My first purchase at a tax foreclosure sale was a vacant lot for $7500.  August of 2000 my plans were to build a home to live in [it] but plans have changed and I will be putting this lot up for sale next month for $29,000. I’ll probably net $25,000.  I have already gotten a title commitment and will be able to get title insurance.  I mention this because back in 2000 I believed that because the sale is from the “government” everything should be ok. as advertised on [Television infomercials] and did not think that a title search would be necessary, but thank God there were no other liens attached to this property. Second Purchase  at a tax foreclosure was a single family home waited the 6 month redemption period and made necessary repairs total of purchase price and repairs equaled $65,234. Just two months later property sold for $99,000. Thanks! Profit on Transaction: $33,799 Rate of Return: 32.95% in 8 Months  Annualized Return: 4.119% per month or 49.42% per year                                   ______________  Arturo Rodriguez  Austin, Texas
I have ordered many products that always claim that they are very
easy to understand and when you receive it and go through the material, it leaves you more confused than when you first started. I just wanted you to know that your product have delivered the understanding,
knowledge and the sense of “I can do attitude”.  The easy to follow format, example, and many scenario that
helps me thru each chapter, I know that there is no
way that I can fail. Thank You!
Marcia DaCosta
    I just received “Texas Houses for Pennies”, and stayed up until 1 am reading it, I didn’t want to put it down.  I have a couple of other workbooks on the general topic, and I’m sure you’re aware that your material is considerably superior to the other information out there, including that by the other experts who are also actually involved in this arena of RE investment.  Very nice job on your part. Clear explanations and step by step detail, with clear and realistic coverage of not only the potential gains, but also the limited risks that one need be aware of.                                      ________________  Greg Goldsmith  Location Not Given
 The course really takes you by the hand and gives you EVERYTHING you need to know to go out and understand what is going on in these tax auctions. You’ll learn how to find these properties and how to determine their value. If at any point you are having trouble with anything, the author provides you with his phone number and email address and actually encourages that you call him. He has never tried to up sell me on more expensive seminars or lectures, but has rather always answered my email questions within a day or 2 at no charge whatsoever…  However, in addition to his free assistance, he has recently added hourly consultations if you really would feel more comfortable talking with him personally (in greater detail than a quick email or phone call could provide) about almost any topics or concerns regarding real estate investing…  Very low price for so much education! ________________Ken Bayer  Texas
My Darius’ course was 99 dollars compared to a course offered by Robert Allen Institute of over $3,000 dollars and you don’t even get the personalization that Darius provides over the phone, internet and to your email address. As i stated I was happy with the course, but the one on one from him before even buying his course went beyond just selling a course, he truly seemed to care about providing the knowledge needed to be successful and to be careful with what you invest in.  BUT LISTEN TO THIS … After I finished the course and read through everything. I still had about 15 questions that I needed to ask Darius. I called him once again on the phone and left him a message saying that I would be sending him an email with all my questions. Darius promptly called me back and left a message for me stating that he would be on the look out for them. The questions I asked would take some of his time and being he is an attorney I’m sure he was busy. If I wanted to ask the questions to another real estate attorney it would cost me $100.00 an hour on the low side. Within one day Darius responded to all my questions and went beyond a 99 dollar course. I am amazed at his compassion and level of professionalism. Thank you Darius. ________________Santos H. Villarreal San Antonio, Texas
Dear Darius, I have purchased your course on tax lien investing and have just finished 
Step 17 of the 90 Day Action Plan. thank you for making the information 
Ray, Hudson  Wisconsin
Darius, You saved me thousands of dollars with your tidbit of information on looking at the date of the cause number.  I had already walked in to buy a struck off property with a a “$1,600 lien”.  The property was worth $15,000 FMV (fair market value)..  I couldn’t run to the tax office fast enough.  But when I got there they told me that taxes had accrued to > $4,000… The auction date was recent but the judgment was old…after reading your course I know to compare both when considering the property.  Your course will definitely save me a lot of time and surprises when considering properties in the future… …Once again, thank you for going the extra mile on sending me Texas Houses for Pennies. Thanks a bunch ________________Ben P. San Antonio, TX
Darius, Thanks for the time and effort that it took to put together such a great course.  It is well worth far more than the price I paid for it.   It’s good to know that there are still some honest people out there who try to have a great product and provide top-notch service!   I received Texas Houses for Pennies a couple of days ago, and I’ve already read through it 3 times, and feel very confident about how to get started… …Please feel free to use me as a reference! Many thanks!                                    __________________Eugene Huang Houston, TX ehsuhuang@hotmail.com
Darius, Thank you for putting together such a clear and informative course on Texas Tax Deed investing.  The step by step layout makes it easy to follow, and the depth of information and insights gives you confidence to act. I also appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.  More than “backed by a guarantee”, this course is backed by someone who knows the subject matter and honestly cares about helping the people who are trying to put it into practice.  Feel free to use me as a reference.                                       _______________Erik Eck     Real Estate Investment Club of Houston (Board Member) Houston, Texas eeck@houston.rr.com
Congratulations on your excellent work – Texas Houses for Pennies.  In my pursuit to learn about tax liens and tax deeds I have acquired and studied all of the material I have found on the subject. This includes works authored by Tony Martinez, Ted Thomas, John Beck, Joel Moskowitz, and many, many others.  Without question, “Texas Houses for Pennies”, along with “Super Tax Sale Secrets Series” and “Texas Tax Lien Research Series”, contain the most useful, practical, valuable, and actionable information available.  Thanks for the excellent material.                                      _______________Steve Mortonson Coppell, Texas
Texas Houses for Pennies blew me away. The course taught me the nuts and bolts of Texas tax deed investing in simple, step-by-step easy to understand language. I read it in one night and my investment strategy instantly changed.  I recommend Texas Houses for Pennies to anyone interested in investing.                                      ______________Chris Pryor chris@alphamark.com
really enjoyed your course…You have taken, what seems to be, some very complicated stuff and, in my opinion, you have boiled it down into a very basic and simple material to understand and implement.  I have greatly appreciated your help and support in answering my e-mail questions in a timely manner. Without-a-doubt, Texas Tax Sales has to be one of the greatest investment opportunities in all of America. Especially since the Stock Market Crash and the reality that you can’t get a very good rate of return on your money invested in CD’s or Banks.  This changes all of that and gives you the control rather than the Stock Market or banks.  Your course and your support in answering my questions through e-mail makes cashing in on this Real Estate “Gold Mine” an exciting reality.  Thanks for educating me to this fabulous opportunity!!!      _____________Dave Jenson
found your material well written and nicely put together. A good investment in my education. I appreciate your emphasis on reducing risk and paying close attention to details. You care about your audience and it shows!
Guy Pare
Alberta, Canada
recently (September) purchased your Texas Houses for Pennies book on purchasing Texas real estate at tax sales.  I have read it completely and am very impressed with the information that you have provided in it!  And I am certain that I can take advantage of the information you provided.  What a wealth of information!                                    ______________Michael King Houston, Texas king@sterling-quality.com
You’ve made a smart purchase! Learn this material; it can save you years of effort and thousands of dollars in mistakes. Whether you want to learn a powerful new investment technique or finally own a home you cannot overlook this incredible Texas opportunity!                                  ________________Bill Cameron
Houston, Texas
Mr. Barazandeh,
I received your course yesterday and started reading it last night. So far I’m impressed. Your material is clear and easy to understand. I especially liked how you used examples to get your ideas across.
A.C. Nota
Houston, Texas
Hello Mr. Barazandeh, I did receive your Texas Houses for Pennies a couple of days after I ordered it. I am very satisfied with the material. I had not bought a Texas specific course or book yet but I think this is the best I could have bought for Texas. I have only read a few chapters and I love it. The best thing is that it has motivated me more than any other book or course that I have bought in the past. I think your course has definitely put me in the right direction and has answered questions I’ve had in the past. I thank you for having put together this information and offering it to the public.
Thank you so much                                   _______________
Ana Grimaldo
Houston, Texas
I have the [other tax sale] courses and yours compliments these by adding pieces that were missing. I found your way of narrowing down the counties to be an excellent idea.                                  ________________ 
Raymond Shipley
Chatsworth, California
I spoke to you over the phone once and you sound like one of those rare people who really wants to help others. Hope to meet you one of this days and thanks again.Albert Castillo Houston, Texas
I thought that the Texas Houses for Pennies was excellent. It really opened my eyes to how the tax sales work.                                   _______________
Duane White
New York, New York
duane_white@ hotmail.com

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